Expertise and services

CODEX Partners is a leading management consultancy for private equity investors and their portfolio companies. We see ourselves as a full-service provider for private equity investors. We provide support in the search for suitable targets, in due diligence and also during the holding phase in the form of growth and full-potential programmes. In addition, we specialise in making companies fit for exit.


Strategy development is the supreme discipline for any investor, entrepreneur and managing director. But the key questions are always the same: how and in which business areas can I grow? How does digitisation influence my business? How can restructuring help to successfully manage crises?

M&A support

Dealmaking has developed into a highly professional business. M&A advisers, strategy consultants, lawyers, auditors and financing experts work together closely with their clients during the M&A process. We have specialised on the buy-side position of the M&A business: on behalf of our clients, we look for interesting companies in which they can invest.

Due diligence

(Commercial) due diligence is an essential part of almost every transaction with investors involved both on the buy side and on the sell side. Its focus is the careful examination of a target company’s future viability from a market, customer, competition, product and technological perspective in order to prepare for a future acquisition.

Full Potential

To tap the company’s full potential is the main goal of every shareholder and company management. This involves operational improvement measures along the entire value chain: sales and marketing, production, procurement as well as the administration of the company (overhead).