
The per capita consumption of health services in the western world continues to rise. The pressure on public sector payers is on the rise. As a consequence, the healthcare system will be increasingly privately funded in the future. Those involved in the healthcare market are therefore more exposed to market dynamics. Medical practitioners and hospitals, in particular, must act like entrepreneurs more than ever before and also continuously improve their medical services. Manufacturers of medical technology and consumer goods are therefore required to support the ‘practitioners’ with innovative products and services in their treatment processes and to contribute to the commercial success of their customers.

In addition, medical technology is increasingly undergoing digitisation, enabling the creation or improvement of new diagnostic methods and therapies. Users are investing more in devices and software solutions in order to be able to advance medically and become more productive. Manufacturers therefore need to adjust the focus of sales, marketing, development and production on increasingly digital devices and solutions. And the medical trade must also change: digital products require specialisation and special knowledge in sales and service. In addition, e-commerce is increasingly gaining significance in the traditional healthcare sector.

Globalisation, too, is affecting the value creation chain in medical technology. Asia, and China in particular, are important sales markets for European and US providers of medical technology as well as production and development sites. This also applies to medium-sized companies.

Healthcare is one of the key sectors of CODEX Partners. Since our foundation, we have been working for a wide range of clients in healthcare: medical device and component manufacturers (e g. X-ray equipment, lasers, dental CAD/CAM); dealers, mail-order and online retailers; dentists (dentists/MKGs, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, radiologists, internists, surgeons, orthopaedists, etc.); service providers (medical centres, MVZs, hospital logistics companies, etc.); and software providers (hospital and medical software). We know the healthcare markets in the European core markets, the USA and Asia from a large variety of projects as well as the specific regulation and certification requirements of each market. Overall, CODEX Partners has carried out more than 100 strategy development, growth and optimisation projects in this sector as well as mergers and acquisitions.

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